Assalamualaikum Kak Yasmin...
Actually i dunno how shud i address u as.. Kak Yasmin or Maam.. For i have so much and high respect for u.. I juz wanna tell u how panic i felt the day people called me n tell u passed away. Few minutes after u collapsed actually. I straight away burst in tears n i cried even though i was in a video shooting during dat time.. And not long after dat more news came in and i was so happy to kno dat the early info's was totally wrong! And u are still breathing fighting to live.. Again i cried and i thank ALLAH fer not taking u away yet. And i pray hard so ALLAH give u strength and help u survive all dis.. Kak Yasmin, i juz want u to kno dat u have been great inspirations to me. Ive grown up listening to your stories and success.. I am nobody. Im not sumone important at all. But u are the reason i have bigger dreams. I always wanna be sumone creative like u.. But i realize i can never be u. There will always be ONE YASMIN AHMAD. All i wanna say is, u are one of the of the most important person in my life.. People cried when MJ died. But i did not cry at all. But when i get the false news bout ur death, i broke down in tears.. It felt like i lost sumone in my family.. Get well soon.. Semoga ALLAH berikan segala RAHMAH-NYA buat Kak Yasmin. Semoga ALLAH pelihara dan melindungi Kak Yasmin dari segala penyakit dan segala perkara yang tidak baik.. Dan semoga ALLAH berikan Kak Yasmin kebahagiaan di dunia dan akhirat.. LOVE U SO MUCH KAK YASMIN!
*Jangan pernah berhenti dari terus berkarya..
25th July 2009
And later that night, approximately around 11.25pm we were all shocked wif the news that our beloved Yasmin Ahmad has passed on.. I rushed to the hospital wif my good frens Hisham Albakri and Iz Sulaini. Sharp at 12 midnight, i am officially 26 years old. And there i was at the hospital reading Al-Fatihah as much as i can for the one and only Yasmin Ahmad..
Kak Yasmin.. You didnt leave us. You are still here in everyone hearts. You sumhow have touches us and make us feel near to you.. Tenanglah kau disana Kak Yasmin..~
*Jangan pernah berhenti dari terus berkarya..
25th July 2009
And later that night, approximately around 11.25pm we were all shocked wif the news that our beloved Yasmin Ahmad has passed on.. I rushed to the hospital wif my good frens Hisham Albakri and Iz Sulaini. Sharp at 12 midnight, i am officially 26 years old. And there i was at the hospital reading Al-Fatihah as much as i can for the one and only Yasmin Ahmad..
Kak Yasmin.. You didnt leave us. You are still here in everyone hearts. You sumhow have touches us and make us feel near to you.. Tenanglah kau disana Kak Yasmin..~
-Ya ALLAH Ya Tuhanku. ALLAH yang Maha Pengasih, Maha Pengampun, Maha Melihat dan Maha Mengetahui. ALLAH yang Maha ESA yang tidak mampu diselindungkan dari apa jua kebenaran. Sesungguhnya ENGKAU telah melihat Ya ALLAH.. Dan sesungguhnya ENGKAU tahu akan setiap kejadian dan Ciptaan-MU.. Hamba-MU Yasmin telah pun kembali ke pangkuan-MU.. Peliharalah dia Ya ALLAH.. Tempatkanlah dia dikalangan orang orang yang beriman.. Sesungguhnya dia amat menyintai MU dan RASUL MU Ya ALLAH... Peliharalah maruahnya, dan lindungilah maruah keluarganya dari kata kata dan percakapan yang tidak perlu dari masyarakat disekeliling mereka Ya ALLAH... Berikanlah keluarganya kekuatan dan kesabaran yang tinggi.. Dan permudahkanlah perjalanan Yasmin didalam menemui-MU Ya ALLAH.. Sesungguhnya ENGKAU Maha Pencipta lagi Maha Menciptakan.. Setiap ciptaan-MU adalah SEMPURNA dan sesungguhnya ENGKAU lebih mengetahui Ya ALLAH Ya RabbulJalil.. Ya Rahman Ya Rahhim.. Ya Zaljalaliwaliqram..-
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